2024-29 CIP Update

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Consultation has concluded

The Town of Wake Forest will host a public hearing to gather public input for inclusion in the 2024-2029 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) Update during the Board of Commissioners (BOC) meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 16. The meeting will begin at 6 p.m. in the Town Hall Board Chambers, 301 S. Brooks St.

Wake Forest residents are invited to attend the session and provide input in this important process.

Town staff are currently in the process of considering projects to include in the CIP Update which covers the five fiscal years from 2024-25 through 2028-29.

In the feedback section below, please share your thoughts and opinions on the specific areas in which the Town should focus over the next five years. All comments received will be shared with the BOC for consideration and will become part of the public record.

The Town of Wake Forest will host a public hearing to gather public input for inclusion in the 2024-2029 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) Update during the Board of Commissioners (BOC) meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 16. The meeting will begin at 6 p.m. in the Town Hall Board Chambers, 301 S. Brooks St.

Wake Forest residents are invited to attend the session and provide input in this important process.

Town staff are currently in the process of considering projects to include in the CIP Update which covers the five fiscal years from 2024-25 through 2028-29.

In the feedback section below, please share your thoughts and opinions on the specific areas in which the Town should focus over the next five years. All comments received will be shared with the BOC for consideration and will become part of the public record.

We want to hear from you!

What specific areas or projects should the Town of Wake Forest focus on over the next five years?

Consultation has concluded
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Alleviating traffic through the Mill neighborhood! It seems preposterous that the Mill is the only way other than downtown and through Youngsville to get across the tracks from West to East of Wake Forest. Any given morning or afternoon, hundreds of cars drive through that little neighborhood. Harris Street should cut through to Royal Mill. An animal crossing under the bridge could get set up to also alleviate the number of deer and wildlife that get hit on N. Main St. the walking path can go down under the bridge to create a greenway setting. If that project is too large, than put it on a developer who wants to construct along the N side of Main. You cannot expect to allow so many residential developments while also expecting we are all going to drive through the Mill or downtown to get to Capital!

Georgiev about 1 year ago

Excess development East of Main St with no additional access to US1 has made WF increasingly dangerous for drivers and pedestrians, Traffic has been pushed into the side streets where the lack of sidewalks makes it especially dangerous for students walking to the high school along side streets like Rock Spring Rd, W. Pine and W. Juniper. Better pedestrian access via sidewalks (similar to Stadium Dr. or Main St) for students walking to school on city streets should be a priority for improvement.

schulzie111 about 1 year ago

CIP feedback -
1. Would like to see a land acquisition entry on the CIP for open/green/park space. The town can't afford to acquire land for such in many cases but partnerships can be created to make such acquisitions realistic.
2. US 1 improvements should be moved from medium priority to high. With the S Rail line coming project U5307 will probably continue to be pushed back making short term improvements to US 1 necessary.
3. Priority for HL Miller park should be moved up from low. The necessary erosion and path repairs will only get much more expensive in time.
4. Parks and Rec are still determined to place the skate park on S Brooks for 5MM. The land in front of the Senior Center should instead be used for a nature park which makes sense for that area and can be done for less than half the cost.

mquisted about 1 year ago