UDO Update

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The Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) combines into a single document the Town's zoning, subdivision, land use, grading, storm water management, and historic preservation regulations. It outlines the requirements for all development activity.

The UDO was first adopted in 2013, along with the Manual of Specifications, Standards and Design (MSSD). With the update and adoption of several comprehensive plans, including the 2022 Community Plan and 2021 Northeast Community Plan, as well as several other comprehensive plans that are underway, the UDO and MSSD need to be updated to implement the policies and recommendations of the plans.

The zoning map, which is a legal document that illustrates the zoning districts where different development rules apply, will also be updated as part of this project.

In addition to reflecting the goals and actions of the comprehensive plans, the UDO needs to maintain compliance with state, federal and case law, which are constantly evolving. Finally, the update will exam best practices and trending topics.

Public Engagement

Community input is the cornerstone of the UDO Comprehensive Update. Following the update and adoption of several comprehensive plans, including the 2022 Wake Forest Community Plan and 2021 Northeast Community Plan, as well as several other comprehensive plans that are underway, the UDO and Manual of Specifications, Standards & Design (MSSD) must be updated to implement the policies and recommendations of those plans.

The Wake Forest UDO combines into a single document the Town's zoning, subdivision, land use, grading, stormwater management, and historic preservation regulations. It outlines the requirements for all development activity.

Project Timeline

The update process will involve multiple steps and take approximately two years. The updated UDO and MSSD will set the development rules for Wake Forest.

The UDO update is scheduled for adoption in fall/winter 2024.

For more information, contact Senior Planner Kari Grace at 919-435-9511 or kgrace@wakeforestnc.gov.

The Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) combines into a single document the Town's zoning, subdivision, land use, grading, storm water management, and historic preservation regulations. It outlines the requirements for all development activity.

The UDO was first adopted in 2013, along with the Manual of Specifications, Standards and Design (MSSD). With the update and adoption of several comprehensive plans, including the 2022 Community Plan and 2021 Northeast Community Plan, as well as several other comprehensive plans that are underway, the UDO and MSSD need to be updated to implement the policies and recommendations of the plans.

The zoning map, which is a legal document that illustrates the zoning districts where different development rules apply, will also be updated as part of this project.

In addition to reflecting the goals and actions of the comprehensive plans, the UDO needs to maintain compliance with state, federal and case law, which are constantly evolving. Finally, the update will exam best practices and trending topics.

Public Engagement

Community input is the cornerstone of the UDO Comprehensive Update. Following the update and adoption of several comprehensive plans, including the 2022 Wake Forest Community Plan and 2021 Northeast Community Plan, as well as several other comprehensive plans that are underway, the UDO and Manual of Specifications, Standards & Design (MSSD) must be updated to implement the policies and recommendations of those plans.

The Wake Forest UDO combines into a single document the Town's zoning, subdivision, land use, grading, stormwater management, and historic preservation regulations. It outlines the requirements for all development activity.

Project Timeline

The update process will involve multiple steps and take approximately two years. The updated UDO and MSSD will set the development rules for Wake Forest.

The UDO update is scheduled for adoption in fall/winter 2024.

For more information, contact Senior Planner Kari Grace at 919-435-9511 or kgrace@wakeforestnc.gov.

Page last updated: 08 May 2024, 11:32 AM